
Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

It is almost impossible to surf the internet or bookshop shelves, without coming across some of the thousands of personal finance and self improvement books that are easily available today. They promise to teach you to develop a winning mindset, invest better, save more, retire early, become debt free faster and solve any other financial […]

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Newsletter #53

One of the rules that I learned very early on as I made my first attempts at creating an income online, was never to put all my eggs in one basket. Never rely on any single source of income, but always try to establish several simultaneous streams. You never know when your existing source of […]

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Newsletter #52

I found this inspirational gem in the SFI Forum from a couple of days ago and I thought you might find it interesting if you missed it yourself. One day a young lady was driving along with her father.They came upon a storm, and the young lady asked her father, What should I do? “He said “keep driving”. […]

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